Odia Unicode to Akruti Converter | BSMJ Apps


Do you want to change your Unicode Odia text to Akruti? Do you have Odia Unicode text and you type that in Akruti manually? Have you tried old converters and got errors? Do you need to convert Unicode text to Akruti daily? Do you want an offline Odia Unicode to Akruti converter?

To answer and solve all these problems. We have created a fresh new Odia Unicode to Akruti Converter, which can easily convert Odia Unicode to Akruti in moments.

Odia Unicode to akruti converter

Odia Unicode to Akruti Converter

We need to convert Unicode text to Akruti to get the text print-friendly for books and magazines. Odia Unicode is available since 1988 but this is being widely used only from a few years back. Before then people usually type in Akruti software to get the text in printable format. Akruti Odia fonts are popular and available in more quantities to choose from.  Today also we face many problems and also not have that many fonts while printing in Unicode format. So people usually prefer to change the text to Akruti and then print it.

Odia Unicode to akruti converter

The new Unicode to Akruti converter created by BSMJ Apps has the following benefits which you can get the advantage of.

Error Free: We developed the program and tested it till we become confident enough to say it's error-free and can fulfill the purpose of its creation. It is working as expected and we can not find any error in any word or letter converted from Unicode. 

Works Offline: No need to have an internet connection each time you need to convert anything! As it works offline it will skip the time and data required to send your text to the server and process it and then give you the Akruti code. Our program will skip the hectic online process and work offline. 

No limit at a time: Simply, there is no limitation on the number of words and pages it can convert at a time. Complete your work with a single click.

Support for future updates: We will always be working on this project and will deliver you all future updates we create for it. If you will get any bugs or errors, we are here to solve them.

Odia Akruti to Unicode Converter

Akruti code is print-friendly but it is not web-friendly. In the new era of the internet as people are posting and sharing things in the Odia language, all are doing it in Unicode. Akruti texts are not readable without using the Akruti fonts. There is much Akruti code available in printable documents that can be converted to Unicode. So we decide to create both Akruti to Unicode and Unicode to Akruti converter.

Odia Unicode to akruti converter

Tested Environment

We have tested the program in Windows 10 and Java JDK 15.0.1. It should work on other Windows (Windows 7, 8, 8.1,11)and Java versions. But if you are facing any issues, please try to update your system configurations.


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Service Charge

One-time payment of  ₹2000 for the software. No limitation, Nothing! All yours.

We are also providing services to convert your text. (Price will be according to the number of pages and words).

Contact us to activate your account and for more details.

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